莱加内斯 vs 皇家社会






比赛时间: 12月08日21:00



  • 胜平负:false;
  • 比分预测:(1-2、0-1)


  • Main Team: 后卫弗兰克萨、前锋拉巴;
  • Away Team: 后卫特拉奥雷、埃鲁·圣东、中场扎哈里扬、特伦特, 前锋奥尔卡松;

毕尔巴鄂 vs 比利亚雷亚尔 < p > 毕尔巴鄂最近取得不错的成绩,上轮以2-1逆转击败了巴列卡诺,实现联赛两连胜。在周中的另一场较量中,更是以2 - 1力克皇马,由贝伦格和古鲁泽塔分别入网 。 < p > 相比之下,比利亚雷亚尔上轮与赫罗纳打成了2 - 2 平,不幸的是,这支球队已经五轮不败,不过却因国家杯被庞特· 贝德 拉(Pontevedra)零封而遗憾出局 ,莫 雷诺首发登 场但并没有改变结果 。 < P >< strong > 从历史交手数据看 : < ul > < li >< u >毕 尔 巴 鄂 : &n bsp ; 在过去10 次碰面 中共获得4 胜5 平,仅输掉一次 .& nbsp ; & nbs p;< / li > < Li >< U > 亚 洲 指 数 : &gt ; 当前保持 主 队 半 球 优 势 .& nbsp;& lt;/U>. 然 而 , 毕 尔 巴 鄂 的 各 项 巡 回 表现 不断 提升,包括刚 战 胜 皇 马使信心倍增. 教练 巴 爾 韦 德(Valverde)对于 替补位置进行了合理安排 . 对于比 利 亚 雷 阿 尔 来说,其 三 连的不 勝表明防守端显著缺陷,本赛季16 场只完成 一次 零封. 本届 联盟热度高涨,再 加 上 客 队 防 守问题隐患重生,因此需谨慎应对可能出现冷 门. : (赢或 输); Score Prediction:( 2-1 、 1-2 ).   ; The Home Injuries:< / B r />暂无
The Away Injuries: Midfielder Akhomachi, Tratz, Forward Pepe, Defender Foyth , Pedrasa and Cardona (Suspended).   ; -------------------------------------------------- ———————— 奥 萨 苏 纳 VS 阿 拉 威 ス 奥萨苏纳近期状况起伏,上仗同塞维利亚踢成 和局,此役已 是 踏 入 第 三 个周期无 整体 赢 得!不过 周 度 国 王 杯凭借劳 葛西亚贡献的一传一射反超休达 晋级。 アラビス 同 样 状 态欠佳 于上一回合亦 与 莱 加 内 士 截至 为止 打 出了一记卅 升,于本年度 已经数值达到第三个月不敌。然而这几天遭到米尼 梅 基 克梅开二度,无奈最终还是小组 淘 汰! 从双方过往纪录来看,对于OSASUNA而言十年来6 种方式获取其中六种方法,却始终难言绝地翻身。 当前赔率指向Ossasuna稍微处于劣势,高居第七位且其主場表现尤为突出,对抗诸如Barcelona及Villarreal都毫无压力。不过Alaves 匹配底部区域不足,只差一点即将轻易跌落边缘。他们曾经历 六 连失误,不少人质疑教练人员配置是否合理。因此此役走稳态势时机适逢大选期,也许会选择握持初步意图来争夺积分. 【Match Time】: December09 at01:30 **Betting Recommendation:** Draw/WIN;(Score prediction): **(draw of a score)** or WIN from home team; Home injuries:(Forwards Anayis,Saragoza); Away injury reports include defender Nova. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Atletico Madrid Vs Sevilla Atlético de Madrid was victorious in its last game against Valladolid with an impressive scoreline of five goals to zero securing four consecutive league wins while also successfully eliminating Casserano by three one margin during midweek's Copa del Rey match where Lenglet found the back net too! Sevilla on their part managed only a draw against Osasuna which means they are now unbeaten for two matches but were subsequently knocked out early this week by Olot despite Montiel scoring his first goal as well! In terms head-to-head records between these sides over past decade sees Atleti winningfive times drawing twice yet losing thrice overall when faced off thus far currently odds favoring them heavily towards another victory given that they're performing exceptionally having won eight straight games across all competitions recently especially considering how both Barcelonaand RealMadrid have been inconsistent lately making it possiblefor Diego Simeone’s squadto clinch La Liga title if things go right additionally Alvarez appears fully integrated into system already! However Sevilla seems lackluster nowadays hardly even competing anymore missing chances left behind without achieving any sort continuity whatsoever since day one meaningthey appear unlikely contenders fighting hard enough just stay afloat within standings.Finally though returning after playingthree away fixtures should give some momentum necessary backingthem up once again so expect solid performance leading likely win here! Time Of Match Is Set For December Nine Four AM Along With Betting Suggestions Favorable Towards Winning Side Predicted Scores Ranging Either Two-Nil Or Two-One Scenarios Depending On Performance Levels Shown Overall Throughout Game Day As Well.< BR /> Expected Injury Reports Include Back Defenders Molina And Midfielders Lemar From Host Club While Visitors Suffer Losses Amongst Defensive Players Quasi-Midfield LoConga Forward Ejuuk Being Noted Henceforth!