

  • 中超公司董事长刘军(尚未开庭)
  • 中国足协原纪律委员会主任王小平(尚未开庭)
  • 中国国家男子足球队前主教练李铁(一审结果尚未公布,咸宁中院)
  • 中国足球协会原秘书长刘奕(一审结果尚未公布,咸宁中院)
  • 国家体育总局原副局长杜兆才(一审结果尚未公布,武汉市中级人民法院)
  • 中国足球协会裁判管理部原部长谭海(一审结果尚未公布,石首市人民法院)
  • 成都市足球协会前专职副主席刘刚(一审结果尚未公布,通城县人民法院)



    以刑事处罚为基础的案件: < li > 中国 足球 协会 战略规划部 原部长 戚 军 被 判处 有期徒刑7年,并处罚金人民币六十万元。 < li > 中国 足球 协会 原主席 陈戌源 无期徒刑 ,剥夺 政治 权利终身,同时没收个人全部财产。 China Football Association Former Vice Chairman Li Yuyi was sentenced to 11 years in the first trial and fined RMB one million. Chinese Football Association former vice president Yu Hongchen was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined RMB two million. The original executive deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Football Association, Chen Yong Liang, who also served as director of the national team management department, was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined RMB220000. Former General Manager Dong Zheng of Super League Company received a sentence of eight years imprisonment with a fine amounting to two hundred thousand yuan. Ma Chengquan, former chairman of Super League Co., Ltd., received an eleven-year-three-month sentence along with an eighty-thousand-yuan fine. Huang Song's bribery case from his time as head of the Competition Department at the Chinese FA resulted in seven-year imprisonment alongside sixty thousand yuan fines. Gu Jianming , formerly chairman or secretary general for Chengdu football association ,and member on CFA Executive Committee got six year jail term plus forty thousands Yuan penalty Liu Lei previously held positions including Deputy Director at Wuhan National Fitness Center while being part manager within Wuhans' soccer administrative center; convicted under both charges related bribes faced punishment totaling twenty-six months behind bars combined total cost reaching thirty-thousands rmb . Lastly,Fu Xiang —having been director over wuhan sports administration before serving concurrently acting vice-president & Secretary-General there—was given lengthy sentences equating out towards near decade-long terms paired up against hefty financial penalties too.