









This 是否使你的工作变得轻松,可以专注于当前目标而忘记结果?

< p > “ 我并不总相信过去所发生的一切。我承认那些都是美好且难忘回忆,但如今要集中精力做该做之事。” < p >< strong > 回顾一下您取得的一些特别成就吧:英超四连冠、三冠王、联赛100分……< / strong > < p > “ 别再继续列举这些记录,如果真要把所有荣誉都说出来,那我们将永无止境,所以请原谅,我停止这个话题。”

The coaching experience has been the hardest year for you?</ STRONG>

"每一年。"   "真的?”  
"是啊!如今回头看看,有些事情被视作理所当然,现在他们终于意识到实现这一切有多么困难。例如三冠王、四冠王等历史性的成就。而正因如此,当今对于我们的期待显然有所增加,也伴随着一定压力。“ ”

<STRONG>A coach, are you currently going through the toughest time of your career?</ STRONG><p>"这是一次前所未有 的经历,也是我个人首次面临如此长久的不顺。然而,以往积累起来 的成功,让这种常见问题变得异常突出。人们信任你,因此若出现意外情况,他们便很容易产生疑虑。有时候,看着接二连 三出错的问题持续存在确实令人生畏,不过最重要的是保持冷静,通过努力寻找改变的方法,同时确保团队内部一致性,为此奋斗到底。“ " "P>You know,有几次像3-0领先却没能获胜,对阵 曼 联 时1-0领先 在 比赛剩余3分钟 ,最终逆转。因此,目前状况就是缺乏平衡,不稳定,总体而言可能输掉应该拿下来的赛事。从 前 总 能 找 到 扭 转局势的方法,可如今却需面对种种困扰。” P 所以重新振作究竟 有 多 难 呢 ? & lt ;/ Strong ><p>"We will bounce back. I remember crazy times from our past, and I'm confident that we can find our form again. However with current squad depth it’s tough to imagine coping with three games in a week when crucial players face injuries.” "
Regardless of what people say about City not abandoning me or claiming my downfall— they understand fully well how significant those achievements were... "People doubting is normal especially during such unprecedented circumstances where even we cannot believe some results happened—we must stay true to ourselves while proving critics wrong." That’s why I remain here: addressing ongoing issues faced over last month which keep repeating themselves but ultimately work needs doing." "I am aware change awaits us ahead—the sun shall rise once more as revival comes around—but unfortunately specifics elude me now due mostly because defenders have yet trained together within season so far without injury setbacks hampering efforts along this journey forward into next matches.” "We’ve had many key figures missing throughout season who helped secure previous glories – several dealt physical challenges forcing them return prematurely after minimal training sessions leading directly towards fatigue accumulation across tight schedules resulting breakdowns on pitch impacting overall performances negatively…" “I recognize these factors may sound like excuses yes perhaps indeed valid points too worth discussing openly given historical significance behind achievements made possible by contributions received alongside club support moving onward despite present struggles encountered at moment…” "So belief stems largely from mindset held close—it could be seen bleakly otherwise positively optimistic instead believing brighter days lie just beyond horizon awaiting arrival soon enough!”