- 5月31日 友谊赛:中国 1-1 澳大利亚
- 6月3日 友谊赛:中国 0-2 澳大利亚
- 10月26日 友谊赛:中国 3-0 乌兹别克斯坦
- 10月29日 友谊赛:中国 2-0 越南
- 11月30日 友谊赛:中国 1-4 荷兰
- 1月25日 友谊赛: 中国 U20 女子队2 - 韩国 U20女子队0 li >
- < span style = "color: #000;"> January28th Friendly match: China u20 women's team vs South Korea u20 women's team : China draws with South Korea (score is still being determined) li >
- < strong > March four th Asian cup for women under twenty years old : North Korea one draw against China's youth national soccer team's score remains to be confirmed. strong > li >
- < strong >March seven th ,Asian Cup Under Twenty Women Football Championship,Japan(China) scored two points and Japan's Women's National Team did not win. Strong > Li > The content above seems incomplete or contains errors; please provide the correct structure if needed.