
周一307 美职篮 克利夫兰骑士 VS 金州勇士 2024-12-31 11:00


骑士目前战绩为27胜4负,继续领跑全联盟。他们场均得分122.7分,而失分则为111分。在最近的一场比赛中,骑士以149-135击败掘金,实现了六连胜。米切尔贡献33分、5个篮板和6次助攻,加兰得到25分和7次助攻,埃文·莫布利也有26分、5个篮板与6次助攻入账。此外,贾勒特·阿伦拿下22分和10个篮板。近期球队三分球表现火热,他们已连续四场命中至少20记三分快创历史记录。目前阵容强大,全队投射能力出色,有六名球员场均得双位数得 分,并且整体投篮命中率及三点命中率在联盟内排名第一。而尽管主教练阿特金森对防守有所不满,但实际上他们的防守效率依然高居第九位。面对状态起伏不定的勇士,骑士期待能实现第二季双杀。



勇士目前以16胜15负排在西部第9的位置,每场平均得112积分,同时失110.5积分。在上一轮比赛里,他们凭借109-105战胜太阳终止了三连败。其中库里取得22분、6개 리바운드와 6차례 어시스트的数据;格林则交出了16分钟,8개리바운드및 7회어시스트의 성적; 库明加更是砍下34분과 함께9개의 리바운드를 기록했다。然而36岁的库里虽然仍旧占据核心位置,却缺乏足够稳定性,这让他面临不少批评声。例如,在对火箭与掘金时最后阶段处理球的问题再次显露出来。不过,对太阳第四节,他最终还是帮助球队锁住了杜兰特。因此,此役面对进攻多样化且实力派众多的骑士将会给勇师带来严峻挑战。





周一308 美职篮 达拉斯独行侠VS萨克拉门托国王 2024-12-31 11:00



Main Team Sacramento Kings:\  

The King currently has a record of only thirteen wins and nineteen losses, ranking twelfth in the West with an average score of one hundred fifteen points per game while allowing one hundred fourteen point two to their opponents. \ In the last match against the Lakers, they lost by scoring twelve-two thirty-two despite Fox's twenty-nine points and five rebounds as well as DeRozan's contribution of twenty-five poins along with six rebounds.\ The team is on a six-game losing streak which prompted interim coach Kristi not being able to stop it during his first game at helm. \ With three-and-a-half games away from playoff contention this season performance leaves much desiring especially when newly added players don’t fit into system leading them downwards rather than upwards! With trade acquisitions like DeRozan disrupting flow & chemistry further impacting everyone’s rhythm - Fox may also be looking for escape routes making things even tougher ahead!

Historical Record:

Near recent encounters reveal that both teams have evenly split victories over past matches winning three apiece! This article presents solely author's personal opinions without representing any views held by betting websites or platforms mentioned therein – all data provided strictly serves reference purposes only!