
1. 独行侠引进加福德和华盛顿




2. 约基奇第三次获MVP


3. 凯尔特人夺冠



4. 乔治加盟76人


5. 克莱加盟独行侠


6 . 保罗加盟马刺

在勇士效力一年之后 ,保罗找到 新 东家 马刺 。 他不仅是 文班亚玛 的良师益友,还帮助这名年轻巨星迅速成长。本季度 ,保罗 场均得到9 .5 分 、 4 .1 个 篮板 和8 . 4 次助攻 。

< strong >7.< / strong > 活塞续订康宁汉姆< / p >

活塞延续多年核心 康宁汉姆 与之 签署顶薪协议,共计五 年 合同金额高 达224 亿美元。此外 ,凭借小哈达 威 、托拜 亚斯 · 哈里斯等新人加入,如今正朝着 季 后赛事发起冲击 。

< strong >8.< / strong >(美国男篮巴黎奥运夺金)< / p > (P ) 美国 男 籃 于八月十一日 凭借98 -87 战胜法国队 赢 得 巴黎 奥 运 会 金牌,其中詹 姆兹更 是 抢眼 不已 并 荣膺 MVP称号,同时 入围最佳 阵 容。 ( P ) (p) (骑士换帅/續約)(/P) (Knight's head coaching change after being eliminated by the Celtics last season resulted in a shift from Bickerstaff to Atkinson and subsequent contract renewals for key players such as Mitchell, Allen, Mobley and Garland.) (< P>) "Renewing these contracts effectively quashes any trade rumors surrounding Mitchell." The Cavaliers have shown remarkable performance this new season with an impressive record of27 wins against just four losses thus far. (P )(恩比德續約) (P) (< پ>) Embiid has signed on the dotted line for a three-year deal worth $193 million that extends until the end of '28-'29 seasons featuring player options; he becomes one among those elite ‘$500 Million’ club members alongside LeBron James & Co. With Maxey also securing his five year agreement at around two hundred forty million dollars recently too meant Philadelphia is solidifying its future core assets here.(< П>) (<強烈地>(穆雷與戈登續簽 掘金))" On September eleventh finally Nuggets settled matters renewing Murray over four years totaling208Million while Gordon followed suit soon thereafter ensuring both remain part integral team plans moving forward." (p)(唐茨加盟尼克斯)() Through trading across teams involving Randall-Divincenzo-Deop plus draft picks sent Wolves way marks another step upward career-wise Kentavious Caldwell Pope now averages24points13rebounds&assist rates high up there league rankings showing promise ahead(NY regarded biggest rivals facing off). ("火箭再次确认杰伦格林申京") As opening day neared Rockets decided lock down duo Shangun&Green handing out contracts reflecting decreasing salaries yet anchoring leadership roles within franchise avoiding further external market distractions during crucial times leading into playoffs! (“雄鹿再度捧走 NBA 杯 冠军” )Milwaukee Bucks had rocky start losing first ten games but managed bounce back winning consecutive matches ultimately taking home second edition trophy defeating Thunder where Giannis Antetokounmpo earned himself fourth major MVP award simultaneously! “湖人交易拉 塞 尔到 DFS ” With New Year’s arrival Lakers finalized move sending Russell along Lewis+three additional second-rounders Nets acquiring Dorian Finney-Smith who brings versatility onto roster amid difficulties finding suitable trades previously made throughout summer months.”