1月17日讯 北京时间1月21日,2024-25赛季英超联赛第22轮,切尔西将在斯坦福桥球场迎战狼队。赛前,蓝军主帅马雷斯卡出席了新闻发布会,并分享了球队的一些最新情况。
"老实说,我并不知道。我没有和莫耶斯交流,也没听到任何有关布罗亚的信息。" 马雷斯卡这样回应记者询问。
"帕尔默能否参赛仍存疑虑," 他透露今天帕尔默未参加训练,科尔维尔、拉维亚和恩佐也都缺阵。至于帕尔默在接下来的两天内是否能够恢复训练,现在还无法确定。
门前表现需要更冷静 Strong > P >
“今天早晨观看了对阵莫克姆比赛,我们创造了27次射门机会。而上一场面对伯恩茅斯时也是26次。这表明我们的机会很多,但关键还是要保持冷静,即便赢得比赛,我依然担心这一点。” P >
再次强调 查 洛 巴 的 表现 Strong > P >
" 在 ( 季 前 赛 ) 我们 出发 去 美国之前 , 他 一直 和 我们 一起 训练 。 当 时 , 他 就 在这里 。 几 天 前 我和他说过话, 今天早上也进行了交谈 . ” 马 雷 史 卡 补充道 “ 他在那里(水晶宫)表现不错,这正是我们召回他的原因。" . p >
一月份转会窗如何看待? : strong > p >
" 灾难(笑)。” 不仅如此,还涉及每家俱乐部教练面临类似挑战,如果某位球员周围存在噪音,那么这无疑影响专注力."
关于穆德里克目前状况:" P >
"I don't know. The club is in close contact with Mudrik and we are working to support him. As for the latest news, I have none.” /i>"
Main pitch performance needs improvement: H2>. "
We need to improve our level at home if we want to win games,” he said.
He also emphasized the importance of fan support during matches: “They can see our efforts in every game but it’s certain that winning will make us much happier."
When playing against teams that defend deep away from home, they might feel calmer; however, at home there is a desire for decisive play—something not always feasible against defensively organized opponents.
About winning without Palmer:
-We rely on Palmer because he's an important player. We'd prefer him on the field; however, if injuries occur or problems arise,we'll find solutions.
On this season's success over Wolves:
- They’ve changed coaches so their approach has shifted.I believe last match doesn’t matter—it’ll be a new contest under different tactics.Hopefully we'll prepare well enough for three points!